Reducing plastic pollution: Negotiations towards a new global instrument to combat plastic pollution advance

Yesterday finished the third session of the International Negotiating Committee (INC) on Plastic Pollution which took place between 13-19 November in Nairobi, Kenya. UN Member States decided to go ahead with the preparation of a draft treaty text before the next round of negotiations in April. With this step, the process leading to a legally binding global agreement on plastic pollution, which was initiated in March 2022, is entering a more advanced phase. Full textual negotiations can start at the next INC meeting in Canada in April 2024. 

The EU is taking a leading role in global action on plastics, as demonstrated by its support for the setting up of theĀ High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution. The Coalition advocates for an ambitious and effective treaty covering the entire plastics lifecycle to end plastic pollution by 2040.
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